Main Forum 16 topics

This is the main forum section. All of the topic categories can be found here.
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Suggestion Box No topics

Have some feedback and input about the website to share?
Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you so we can make our site better and more user friendly for all of our members.
Please remember that I run this website on a voluntary basis around my other commitments, so kindness and patience are also much appreciated, thanks x

Moderators: Carmen_T
No topics
This area is for allotment plot holders to share experiences of all things 'growing' when you're not actually on site! You can use this space to ask each other questions and generally chat about what, when and how to grow things, the weather and the wildlife. Also, feel free to share your other interests. We're hoping to create a sense of friendly community spirit and so please keep all posts as positive and kind as possible, thanks.
I hope to see you around a lot!

Moderators: Carmen_T
Re: wood chip/bark
by Carmen_T
2 years 8 months ago
Got a glut of fruit and veg but would like some more variety? See if anyone would like to exchange some of your surplus for some of theirs. How about skills exchange or time swaps? Can you offer your services to another plot holder who might be less skilled in that area? Do you have abundant access to useful allotment resources that you want to offer to others? Let them know about it here!

How about collaborating with other plot holders to buy in bulk, which can work out much cheaper? Discuss the options here!

Moderators: Carmen_T
Re: Fleece
by Carmen_T
2 years 10 months ago
Have you come across an amazing recipe for making with your crops? Share it here!

Moderators: Carmen_T
No topics
Use this area if you have a general query about a technical issue with using the website or something that you want to know about the allotment site in general. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can with an answer :)

Moderators: Carmen_T
Re: Bedding straw
by Carmen_T
1 year 11 months ago
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