The website forum is being re-launched
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A new law is being implemented in October 2024 regarding the mandatory registration of all birds (other than pet birds inside a house). Please read more if you are keeping chickens or other birds on the allotment site, thanks.
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Beech Hill Allotments celebrated their third year on 25th March 2024; 3 years since the first plot holders signed their tenancy agreements and started on their exciting new project!

Hello and welcome to Beech Hill allotments site!

This is currently a new website that we are hoping will grow alongside our new allotment site.  Both are still under construction and so is only in the 'seedling stage'.  I look forward to seeing it grow, bud and bloom, which can only happen with the help, support and patience of our Beech Hill allotment plot holders and growing community.  I'm looking forward to working with you all to build something wonderful!




Beech Hill First Year
Field to Food
We're working hard to get the new allotment project up and running.
It's going to take time to get the allotment site going from it's basic starting point (a mostly empty field) to a wonderful, natural growing space that can be enjoyed by many. We want to keep you informed all the way through this exciting transformation!
Meet the Team
People on the project
  • Mungo Dalglish

    Mungo Dalglish

    Owner and manager

  • Carmen Turner

    Carmen Turner

    Allotment site coordinator and website manager